2019 Posted by Carol Davis-Mann

Six Reasons to Review your Database Availability – Part 6 Marketing and PR Costs

From working with many customers to help keep their critical databases up and running we have come up with the top 6 reasons for putting Database Availability at the top of your priority list. In this blog we look at our top reason – Marketing and PR Costs:

We have already discussed the potentially disastrous effects of bad PR. It is the marketing and PR departments who will have to be on hand to deal with the press and work on a strategy for repairing the brand image. All these extra personnel hours need to be calculated when looking at the costs of database downtime.

In 2017 British Airways suffered a major outage which caused significant disruption to passengers around the world. British Airways Chief Executive Alex Cruz had to take to YouTube to attempt to repair damage done to the brand.

However you measure the cost of a database outage there will always be a negative financial effect on the business. If an organisation is unfortunate enough to hit the headlines with a major outage then the PR fallout can be catastrophic with the potential of alienating existing and new customers for good.

Outages are inevitable due to a range of causes including software problems, hardware failures and security breaches. It is therefore vital for organisations to make sure that their people and processes are ready when problems arise.

Catch up with the rest of our blog series on Database Availability or download one of our white papers:

Executive overview

Technical paper



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